NG Araştırma 2009'dan beri Pazar Araştırmaları için en iyi verileri sağlamak için çalışmalarına devam etmektedir.

Canan Business Plaza
Ataşehir, İstanbul

  • Online Market Research
    Since 2009, we have constantly kept working to provide the unmatched data collection service
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  • Our Certificates of Standards
    We are not only accommodated with the standards of the market research sector, but we are also beyond.
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  • Our Memberships
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  • Social Responsibility
    We strongly believe in corporate social responsibility. As part of our broader agenda, we donate to the associations that bring great ideals to life.
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Online Market Research
Data Collection

Online Survey

Experience of thousands of online survey projects since 2009

Product Testing

People from all different demographics are ready to test your product


Receive feedback every time your product / service is used. Have a good understanding of regular consumption or occasion

Online Focus Group

Take a deep dive into your customers' minds, anywhere, anytime

Mystery Shopper

Discover how different customer experience is at your store than in your mind


Have an eye to our upcoming projects and stay ahead of the competition

  • 1

    1. Experience

    We have 12 years of experience in online panel management in Turkey.

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    2. Standards

    We have ISO:20252 and GAB:2014 certificates which are important standards of market research sector.

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    3. Compliance

    We are in full compliance with privacy laws in addition to having a prudent and strict attitude on ethical issues.

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    4. Verification

    We verify our members' email, phone number and unique citizen ID.

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    5. Representation

    Thanks to our 380.000 members across Turkey and careful planning, we are the leader in hard-to-find profiles.

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    6. Pricing

    Our pricing is transparent and simple. No setup and project management fee. No hidden fees.

  • 7

    7. Social Responsibility

    In addition to being the best in what we do, we also take part in social responsibility projects.

Our Digital Fingerprint

Our qualities that distinguish us
in the crowd and complexity

When online market research was not even a considered in Turkey in 2009, we laid the foundations of our online panel. Since then, we have done thousands of projects and reached hundreds of thousands of people.

Today, even though there are dozens of companies aiming to provide a similar service, nothing can replace our years of experience and vision. We possess the necessary essence for quality data.

Basında Biz

Basında yer alan
araştırmalarımızdan örnekler


Our happy customers are
a step ahead in the age of data


Türkiye'nin en iyi araştırma platformu için 2009'dan beri çalışıyoruz

Rakamlarla geldiğimiz nokta:


Türkiye Geneli Üye


Tamamlanan Proje


Kıtadan Müşteriler

Our Skills

  • Online Anket

  • Ürün Testi

  • Günlük Anketi

  • Online Odak Grubu

  • Gizli Müşteri

Neden Biz?

  • Kalıp yok: Her proje özel ve kendine has. Herkese uyan kalıplarımız yok.
  • Ezber yok: Projeni anlamak için sorular sorar, yorum yaparız.
  • Sorumluluk var: Projenin başarısı hepimizin başarısı. Başından sonuna kadar yakından takip eder, doğru zamanda bilgilendirmeler yaparız.
  • Odak var: Türkiye ve bu iş tüm odağımız. Aklımız fikrimiz her zaman buraya odaklı.
  • Tutku var: 2009'dan beri, tutkuyla, sürekli bu alanı ileri götürüyoruz.
Our Vision

Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes nascetur. Maecenas faucibus mollis.

Our Vision

Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes nascetur. Maecenas faucibus mollis.

Our Vision

Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes nascetur. Maecenas faucibus mollis.

About Us

We have been working since 2009 for Turkey's best online panel.


Members in Turkey


Completed Projects


Continents with Customers

Template Out

When it comes to market research, each project and customer is special and unique. You don't need to fit into templates.

Negligence Out

We ask questions to understand your project, and comment on the fine details.

Predicament Out

Life is full of unexpected events. We find solutions to overcome problems together.

Responsibility In

Success of a project is a win for all. We follow through the project from beginning to end and inform you at the right times

Focus In

We only focus on Turkey. Our minds are dedicated to this business.

Passion In

We constantly take this service forward with passion since 2009.


News from us...

Contact Us

The right time is
this moment

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